A DRIVING QUESTION is the main question of a PBL unit that guides students throughout the project. Driving questions are provocative, open-ended, discipline-centered, challenging, and consistent with curricular standards and frameworks. A driving question is the umbrella that all of your learning happens under. The driving question helps your learners know what hat they should be wearing during this unit. Are they an architect, naturalist, videographer, or a historian? Each ‘hat’ gives them context for their learning…it gives them their “WHY” for learning! Here are some examples of Driving Questions: – How can we, as concerned 2nd graders, promote everyone to do Acts of Kindness around our community and across the world? – How can we, as environmentalists, do research and investigate so we can understand how current events affect our water? – How can we, as 6th grade students, help our local community through the United Way to benefit the minds and needs of Columbus? – How can we promote early childhood literacy in our community? (English & Math integrated project) – How does your personal culture and the culture of your community influence how you interact with nature? – How can we use our school garden to create a maximum impact on our community?
Video Related Resources
Additional PBL Resources
1. PBL Simplified Book Study- Want to learn more about what the PBL process looks like in the classroom? Check out this book!
2. The PBL Simplified Podcast – Like listening to podcasts? Tune in each week to hear episodes on PBL-related topics.
3. PBL Movement Online Community – Connect with other like-minded educators and get access to a ton of PBL Resources.
4. Magnify Learning on YouTube Subscribe for the latest videos!
5. Get our PBL Resources: