PBL Simplified is presented by Magnify Learning to help teachers understand Project Based Learning knowing that time for PBL professional development can be hard to come by, and we all need help throughout the year and not just the summer. PBL Simplified is a YouTube series designed as 3-5 minute videos to help provide quick learning around Project Based Learning.
Additional PBL Resources
1. PBL Simplified Book Study- Want to learn more about what the PBL process looks like in the classroom? Check out this book!
2. The PBL Simplified Podcast – Like listening to podcasts? Tune in each week to hear episodes on PBL-related topics.
3. PBL Movement Online Community – Connect with other like-minded educators and get access to a ton of PBL Resources.
4. Magnify Learning on YouTube Subscribe for the latest videos!
5. Get our PBL Resources: