All of the workshop facilitators for Magnify Learning have effectively used PBL in their classrooms or schools. But how do we know that? To ensure all of our workshop facilitators have done PBL at a high level, we created a PBL Certification program. It is open to any PBLer who has been implementing PBL in the classroom for more than two years. We can help you or your staff work toward this goal. How does PBL Certification work? Let’s find out!

First off, the PBL Certification Program is rigorous. We are not giving out candy here, and it is more than answering a few questions. We have a 25% failure rate of good teachers who enter the program, but do not make it through for some reason and ask to drop out. This is one reason we ask for two years of experience. We recommend you go through our PBL Jumpstart and PBL Advanced before you enter the process, so you have the skill set and experience to demonstrate your mastery of PBL.

The process requires you to reflect on several of your PBL Units to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the different aspects of the PBL Certification rubric. There are three different domains where you upload artifacts and reflect on those artifacts to demonstrate how they meet the qualifications of the rubric.

As you upload and reflect one of our PBL Certification gurus guides you through the process with feedback and reflection. It is a process…not an upload and done. Everyone who enters the process is uploading and revising, uploading and revising. Often we find, teachers need to go back into the classroom to gain evidence or record their facilitation of a certain skill.

By the end of the process, you can be guaranteed that PBL Certification stands for something. When someone gets the certificate and email badge, they know they have earned it. If you have attended a Magnify Learning PBL Workshop, you have experienced the expertise of our facilitators. These PBL experts have done the work in the classroom and shown the fruit of their labor through the high quality learner artifacts and experiences. This gives our partners confidence to keep training with us. They know our boots on the ground facilitators have done work and can help others along their PBL journey.

To enter in the PBL Certification process, purchase a ticket at one of our PBL Workshops for individuals and/or small groups over the summer. Be prepared for an intense certification process! We work closely with every participant and do not apologize for the rigor involved. We know that the quality of our facilitators is what allows us to come alongside schools to help them engage learners, tackle boredom, and transform classrooms.

Additional PBL Resources

1. PBL Simplified Book Study- Want to learn more about what the PBL process looks like in the classroom? Check out this book!

2. The PBL Simplified Podcast – Like listening to podcasts? Tune in each week to hear episodes on PBL-related topics.

3. PBL Movement Online Community – Connect with other like-minded educators and get access to a ton of PBL Resources.

4. Magnify Learning on YouTube Subscribe for the latest videos!

5. Get our PBL Resources: