“PBL was the framework that we needed to give structure to what has been a very dynamic evolution of what we wanted learning to look like.”

— Jaime Miller, Ready Schools Coordinator Edgewood Schools | Ellettsville, IN

Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning, where we help teachers, school leaders, and afterschool workers find their sweet spot through PBL!

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Jaime Miller is a coach in a public school district. She works with K through 12 teachers. These teachers are implementing Project Based Learning, design thinking, and maker spaces. Magnify Learning partnered with them very early on in this work. We did a PBL Jumpstart Workshop, a PBL Advanced Workshop and eventually PBL Certification with their staff.

Jaime shares the mindset shift story of the teachers, coaches, and learners in this episode. We learn about their three year process of creating a mindset shift and discovering what PBL in all of its forms would look like for their district. We talk about community engagement and challenges that teachers had. We also talk about how career awareness was a good “why,” and how digital design processes helped solve problems in more authentic ways.

Show Notes

Episode 67 Full Show Notes

Resources & Links Related to this Episode

  1. Magnify Learning YouTube

  2. Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start

  3. Magnify Learning

  4. Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer

  5. Edgewood Ready School Initiative Facebook Page

  6. RBB Edgewood Schools Facebook Page

  7. RBB Edgewood Schools Twitter

  8. Jaime Miller Twitter


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