This leadership episode is about avoiding mission drift and staying with our vision. In our last leadership episode, we talked about deep work. These two topics are connected like peanut butter and jelly. Be sure and carve out 30 minutes of deep work each day. We also have a “need to know” about creating a positive staff culture. If you’re just going through your day and marking things off your list, you are drifting from your mission.
To move your vision forward you need to separate the big ideas intentionally. This topic is so important that we’re going to be looking at mission drift over the next five episodes. We are going to talk about how to prevent mission drift and how to move towards the vision that brought you into leadership. You wouldn’t step forward into leadership if you didn’t have some idea or a vision of how you wanted things to look.
Episode Highlights:
[01:49] How do you create a positive staff culture? 1. Do all of the things that you expect your teachers to do with their learners.
[02:04] Give voice and choice, build relationships, show culture videos, and do work that’s really important.
[02:36] Create a positive staff culture. Share your why.
[04:43] A culture will form whether you build it intentionally or not.
[06:26] If your list isn’t prioritized, you are drifting from your mission. You have to separate the big Ideas to move your vision forward intentionally.
[07:57] You’re not going to get to your vision if it’s not clearly defined. The big rocks will keep us from mission drift.
[08:32] It’s about freeing up your time to do the deep work.
[09:35] You need to delegate, so you’re working in your zone of genius. Make time to do your deep work. Look at things like mission and vision.
[12:54] Define your great vision for what learning should look like. What’s ideal instruction and communication? What is the impact of all of these things being on the same page?
[14:24] Look at your to-do list and circle the three biggest things that will move you forward.
[15:04] How does it feel to knock out a big rock?
[16:34] Create a clear vision statement around your team, culture, and instruction. Communicate your vision and create impact.
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