Delegation done right is the key to growth for you and your direct reports. This leadership episode dives into the how and why of delegation. I’m going to talk about the mindset of delegation and the importance of everyone using their time well. It’s about equipping your team and creating a culture of collaboration. As a leader, you can get wrapped up in all the little things, but there are things you need to let go of to grow.

You need to build a structure for delegation that frees up your time and have a framework based on delegation that lets you grow as a leader and your direct reports grow too. Clear communication is the basis for successful delegation. I talk about finding the best use of your time, equipping your team to learn, and the collaboration process. I also talk about the five levels of delegation by Michael Hyatt.

Episode Highlights:

[03:56] To get started with project-based learning listen to this podcast, get the free download from, check out my book, do a school visit, and talk to your network.

[08:41] Figure out what the best use of your time is. Discover where you bring the most value and delegate the other things.

[10:38] To delegate you need to equip your team. Don’t steal their learning by not letting them do the things.

[11:17] Delegation is a way to invite your team to collaborate on the process. You need to be in a position to use your gifts and talents in the best place; so should everyone else.

[12:19] The five levels of delegation from Michael Hyatt include do as I say, research and report, research and recommend, decide and inform, and act independently.

[16:56] When you have levels and your direct reports can see where to work through those levels everything is okay. You need to know your why, have clear communication, and make sure everyone is working through the correct thing and knows where they are at.

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