Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
Josh and Andrea are diving into some exciting content by launching a series about the 6 A’s of PBL project design, where each episode will focus on one of the A’s and its importance to the PBL framework. In this episode, they sit down with English facilitator Joe Steele from CSA New Tech High School in Columbus, IN (@CSANewTechHS) to discuss the first A on the rubric: Authenticity. Joe first gives his thoughts on what makes authenticity so foundational to PBL. He then outline what makes a project authentic, and why that is so valuable. From there, our hosts discuss with Joe some strategies for finding authentic projects (hint: they’re everywhere!). Joe leaves our listeners with some powerful advice about the importance of authenticity, and the difference it will make for your students.
Enjoy this first episode of the 6 A’s deep dive series, and stay tuned for more great content coming from the PBL Playbook every month!
Show Notes
Resources & Links Related to this Episode
Maintaining Authenticity in an Ever-Changing Reality (Blog on Magnify Learning PBL Blog by Joe Steele)
Authentic Projects (Blog)
Want some feedback or a collaboration partner? Joe would be more than happy to help you! You can contact him at: steelej@bcsc.k12.in.us