Welcome to the PBL Playbook, brought to you by Magnify Learning – where we put teachers back in their sweet spot. Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @askgiebs, @MissB103, #PBLPlaybook.
Josh and Andrea continue the PBL Project Blitz series where once a month, they highlight a PBL project by veterans in the PBL classroom.
In this episode of the PBL Project Blitz series, our hosts are joined once again by Brittany Tinkler (@btink89), a third grade teacher at Southport Elementary School in Indianapolis, IN. On today’s Blitz episode, Brittany shares with us her “Famous American” wax museum project, which has gone from a traditional project, to an authentic PBL project, to an authentic PBL project suitable for COVID-19 restrictions. She talks about why this project is a crowd favorite at SES, and the obstacles she and her kids overcame to make this staple project work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and all of its challenges.
Stay tuned for more awesome projects as the PBL Project Blitz series continues every month!
Show Notes
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School: Southport Elementary School -Southport, IN (@Southport_El)
PBL Unit Name: Famous Americans
Grade: 3rd Grade
Summary: In this annual, traditional PBL unit students choose an inspirational person who has positively impacted our world to research. Students prepare a speech to partake in a wax museum and invite community partners in to see their final products.
Standards & Skills: English-Students have to research and write an oral report in first person about their famous person. Communication-Students had to orally present their speeches.
Driving Question: How can we as, (famous Americans name), teach others about the influence of a life lived positively?
Community Partners: Principal, other classrooms around the building, Indiana State Museum, parents of students in the class
Student End Product: Students designed a speech over a famous American of his/her choice to present about in a group wax museum.