What is your “WHY” for teaching? I want to use my time, my skills and the experiences I’ve been gifted with to help others. I believe I’m on the earth for the purpose of loving, caring for, and serving people. Teaching was one of the best career paths I could choose to deliberately and purposefully live out that calling.

Area of Expertise:  My background is Language Arts 6-12.  I taught Digital Media, American Studies (U.S. History & English 11), as well as Global Studies (Geography & World History & English 10).

PBL Experience: I spent 9 years teaching in a PBL classroom. I have been facilitating PBL workshops with Magnify Learning since the fall of 2016.

Favorite aspect of PBL: I think seeing students become engaged and empowered to wrestle with and tackle problems going on in the world is an extremely fulfilling process to watch. PBL really awakens a creative force and reveals to students and teachers that they have a voice that matters and have the power to enact positive change in the world around them.

Why do you enjoy facilitating? Being a facilitator means your work is about serving others and using your knowledge and experience to benefit them. It means I get to come alongside and not only help others succeed in their work, but also help them realize their own potential. This kind of work is powerful and meaningful because it can improve the lives of kids in and out of the classroom, ignites teachers’ passions, and impacts the community in a positive way.