What is your “WHY” for teaching? My big “WHY” for teaching is simply because I love watching students become inspired in their learning and confident enough to share their individual gifts with others. I believe that every student just needs the opportunity to learn and demonstrate their learning in ways that meet their needs.
Area of Expertise: I am an elementary general education teacher with a dual certification in Learning and Behavior Disabilities. I have taught fifth grade for eleven years at Wheeler Elementary in Louisville, KY and hold several deeper learning certifications.
PBL Experience: I started implementing PBL in my classroom during the 2019-2020 school year as I was completing my certification. I have implemented PBL experiences for my students, both in-person and virtually, over the past few years.
Favorite aspect of PBL: That the students are able to make significant connections to their learning and have meaningful outcomes. Each student is able to use their strengths and feel success.
Why do you enjoy facilitating? I enjoy facilitating because I like to encourage other educators through the PBL process the same way my facilitators did for me. I believe that having people who understand and are supportive are key in making significant changes, such as PBL, in the education system.