Acclimate, accentuate, abrasive, abject, acclimate, accord …these are all great words, but they are not what we mean we talk about the 6 A’s of PBL Project Design. We’re continuing through our series on the 6 A’s of PBL Project Design. This video will address Assessment Practices.

As you change your instructional method to Project Based Learning, it is also a time to change your assessment practices. You have heard of several different assessment approaches that seemed theoretical or heretical throughout your teaching career. I’ll encourage you to look back at some of those practices. It will take additional study and an open mind, but you’ve made it this far.

My favorite question to ask (one I ask in my book PBL Stories and Structures) is when it comes to grading, “What does a C mean in your class?” Does it mean a learner doesn’t fully understand the content? Does it mean they don’t participate? Did they bomb the big test? Do they know the content but refuse to do homework? Were they absent and didn’t do the make-up work?

It turns out much of that is a loaded question, but it is a question worthy of exploring because it will begin to uncover many of your educational beliefs. Are you grading a certain way because that is how the other content teachers grade? It’s how you’ve always done it. Dive into that question.

Take a look again at giving zeroes. Take a look at standards based grading. I’ll link to a couple of resources in the description to help you start on your journey. You’ve come this far in revolutionizing your teaching paradigms, why not go a bit further?

Additional PBL Resources

1. PBL Simplified Book Study- Want to learn more about what the PBL process looks like in the classroom? Check out this book!

2. The PBL Simplified Podcast – Like listening to podcasts? Tune in each week to hear episodes on PBL-related topics.

3. PBL Movement Online Community – Connect with other like-minded educators and get access to a ton of PBL Resources.

4. Magnify Learning on YouTube Subscribe for the latest videos!

5. Get our PBL Resources: